We know, there are three popular speculations on the question of what is existence; one that generally believed by religions, that the cause of existence is an Almighty God. The second is that of science, who believes, existence is PHYSICAL phenomenon which had no beginning but in its present form was began with the BIG BANG that happened some 13.8 billions years ago. Origin of life, according to science, happened as a chance accident. The third is Agnosticism, the view that human intelligence is incapable of knowing anything about such matters.
A sensible answer to this question is so vital to man to lead a meaningful life. His intelligence always craves for an answer. When he was leading an animal life in jungles, such a question never troubled him, but today, though he otherwise leads a comfortable life with all material amenities around him, this question always troubles him. As said once above, a sensible answer to the above question is a vital need to mankind.
A sensible answer to this question is so vital to man to lead a meaningful life. His intelligence always craves for an answer. When he was leading an animal life in jungles, such a question never troubled him, but today, though he otherwise leads a comfortable life with all material amenities around him, this question always troubles him. As said once above, a sensible answer to the above question is a vital need to mankind.
How can we know an answer to the question?
How do we usually know a reliable answer to such questions? Science has her famous method of research, observation, compiling evidences etc, but as the question is METAPHYSICAL, that is not typically related to the physical universe, she considers it outside her realm. Religions already have answers. They have explanations for everything that happens to individuals, such as, for negative events in life, outcome of past life sins, or the sins of this life itself. They worship their Gods, pray to him, conduct rituals, wage wars with followers of other Gods, hate them and believe only in the redemption of own religious followers, or redemption of own self.
If God is universal, same for all humans, such narrow beliefs can't be accepted by any Logic. Logic is a magic detector of SENSE for humans, though such an angle is yet to be accepted by all. Logic at present runs on axioms and experiences we had already undergone, by comparing their authenticity with the present questions that needing answer. You may study following work that deals with Logic:
This blog post carry another link too, that explains the role of Reason as a mystery SENSE-ORGAN.
This blog post carry another link too, that explains the role of Reason as a mystery SENSE-ORGAN.
Agnostics already believes in the inability of human intelligence to know the answer to such a question. So no argument is necessary.
We lead our lives today without much concern for an answer because of the belief of science that life is a physical phenomenon, and its only meaning is to lead it most efficiently, using technological, medical, travel and communication marvels she brings out regularly.
But can such a stand satiate our inborn SENSE of curiosity, thirst for truth etc? No. Never. We can't shut the doors of knowledge for ever, on the assumption that there is nothing left to find out/know further about life.
To understand existence vis a vis her relationship with each individual or her expectation from each individual might be very complex, as we, humans never entertain such thoughts these days. We generally entertain 'scientific attitude' or a 'religious attitude'. At both the above approaches, understanding existence in actual angle doesn't exist.
I would like to share below the real life-experience of one of my close friends, who happened to undergo life/ existence bare, with all its ferocity or complexity.
He got in love with a girl in 1976, an ordinary good looking girl. He had already in his hands other marriage offers,one of them from a well settled working girl in Switzerland. He rejected all of them and opted for this good looking, very ordinary girl.
They got married in mid 1977. Everything went well till 2002, when she developed uncontrollable blood pressure. Doctors immediately found that she had inherited a deadly kidney disease from her already expired father, PKD, a disease of the kidney that usually manifest when he/she reaches his/her 5th decade of life. Both kidneys fail and the patient needs constant dialysis or a Kidney transplant. He found that there are millions of similar patients in the world.
He had to start dialysis by 2003, three times a week. Usually, dialysis patients gets the deadly Hepatitis C infection from the dialysis machines, and she too got it by 2005. It is considered an incurable liver disease, though there is a standard treatment method in place, with antibiotics course for 3-4 years, though a complete cure is thought impossible.
Naturally, his hope to continue a peaceful life already end. Future was bleak and totally uncertain. By this time, he detected that both his sons had inherited this deadly disease from their mother. He was facing life in its bare form. He started seeking the truth of life. Why such experiences happened to him? He thought and thought every moment of life, seeking an answer to the phenomenon of life. Was it due to his past sins? His sinful past births? His ancestors's sins? Life appeared to him like a burning piece of charcoal in his hands. Naturally, he felt like throwing it away to escape the pain. He reasoned that he carries life only because others around him carry it as routine. But what if when it is all pain and uncertainty? He started detaching life from him and viewing the goings as if he is a third party, simply witnessing the goings.
He seriously sought to know the forces behind life. A merciful God will never choose such horrible things to one of his own creations. If scientific views of struggle for survival was the truth, how can he be an equal one to struggle to survive with all his troubles in hand? He sought and sought the truth about life every moment of his wake state. Why he happened to be in life this way?
While such horrible health troubles were happening to his wife, there were other misfortunes taking place at his work-place too; his employer, a very reputed finance company, got him also involved in a financial malpractice committed by one of his junior colleagues. He not only lost his job but police and the Court made him also a part of their criminal procedures and investigations.
By now his wife had developed a nasty liver infection and puss started oozing through a tube fitted to the liver.
He had to but know the reason for his troubles from Existence. What wrong had happened to his life? He sought and sought, weeks after weeks and months after months, every moment.
In a miracle kind of recovery, his wife got free from her Hepatitis C infection after 3 months of the antibiotics course, to the utter surprise and non-belief of attending doctors. Now her attending Kidney specialists said, if the oozing of puss from her liver reduced from the present 100 ml a day to at least 20 ml a day, transplant surgery could be undertaken.
A month before her scheduled surgery date, in his rented accommodation near the hospital, he found himself awaken in the bed in an early morning 3 am. He felt, he was being loved intensely. It was a physical experience. He was feeling it at his body-level. He realized, existence is trying to communicate with him, though he first thought it might be part of some dream. But when the experience lasted beyond 10,15 and then 20 minutes, he realized, it is NOT a dream.
There were few messages ingrained somewhere in him; As we know, he was not his actual, worldly self, as it was already thrown out by him long ago when it was like a burning and badly hurting piece of charcoal for him. So, the communication from existence was perhaps easy and direct.
1) His wife will be totally recovered after the transplant surgery.
2). Existence shares the pain and anguish of the real seekers, hence the recovery from his troubles.
3) The general 'predilection' of existence is simply LOVE; everything that seek to know gets back the care and love from existence.
4) There is 'sense' in life and existence.
He made his ailing wife too to wake up and he explained the very strange experience that had prolonged for 25 minutes.
In the morning too, when he woke up, the leaves in the trees moving in the breeze appeared very different to him, as they exist and move out of the LOVE of existence. It was a revelation as to why life and existence was.It was a life changing experience for him. Was it a communication from existence? Till date he is not sure. But it was so real. What else such an experience could be? But as there was no better explanations, he still believes that it really was a communication from existence.
His wife recovered fully after the surgery and still leading a healthy life. His court case ended wherein he was declared not a part of the crime.
For my philosophic eyes, ears and intelligence too, it was a revelation as to the nature of existence. She can't be mute and dump physical matter. It is true that she is blind to the routine events in the world and in the lives of people, as if her logic is very particular towards such affairs, as explained in my following blog-post:
1. She certainly is NOT dump and mute physical matter as science believes, but a LIVE phenomenon.
2. She lets life forms be as they are, the way schemed by her, trees, microbes or larger animals. Remember, how many millions of years she let animals to lead their lives as they were. Even humans were animal like, for billions of years.
3. She admires intellectual improvements of life forms especially when they improve in their understanding her LIVE status. She doesn't mind passage of even millions of years in this process; we do not know how long these millions of years are for her as she is the schemer of such categories.
4. She may not be a phenomenon the way religions made out of her; worship-lover, virtue seeker etc, but she is keen to help when someone seeks her out.
5.She enjoys when life forms owns up their lives, fully owning their sense of selves.But she certainly hope that one day, at least few of the most advanced beings will realize the folly of their synthetic 'sense' of self.
6. She shares with her creations, the most fundamental emotion that she keeps, that is, 'TO BE', by making others perceive them, and thus, in this process, establishing their tangibility or reality.
(Please get to know of this very fundamental existential DRIVE, at link:
7. As humans have their peculiar tendency to conceptualize things, events and objects in their own human-way, existence may not fall as one among them. Our intelligence might be complete when we realize this fact, that existence might be something much beyond and above their usual concepts. There could be much beyond what they can conceptualize about existence. It can not be an OBJECTIVE REALITY among their other routine objective realities as this one is their very abode of life. Humans can not set apart the phenomenon of existence as a third party object/reality, as a mere subject of their scholastic study. It is their very meaning, their substance.
8. Every human life is so precious, potent and close to her, that any person might develop his/her intelligence one day and could understand existence and the synthetic nature of own 'self'. Existence won't mind these 'selves' leading their lives in the 'given' way as she seems left it into a 'cause-effect' realm.
9. An ideal society may not be in the scheme of things of existence, as her target is enlightened INDIVIDUALS. We know, an ideal society/state/ WORLD notion will certainly help individuals to achieve this goal faster. In this matter, we, humankind is totally wrong in our approach as we think it is our ultimate goal, and try to create ideal societies. Following write-ups might revels this angle in more clear terms: http://selfandworldblogs.blogspot.com/2015/03/is-world-absolute-object-or-relative.html
In short, whatever we do to create a new world might be irrelevant for existence, though she won't mind/interfere into our such acts.
10. She lets us do whatever we do with our lives, and feel a sense of 'FREE WILL' about it. But she is always there when someone shows signs of realizing the emptiness of own SELF. Perhaps that is the first sign of INTELLIGENCE/enlightenment, according to her.
11. She might create special circumstances for such potential persons who shows signs of developing intelligence.She doesn't hesitate to be with him/her each moment, sharing each moment of their lives, and their each life-event and thought.
12. In short, existence is a very peculiar phenomenon beyond the images of science and religions, a very LIVE one, very eager to have humans to develop intelligence in the above hinted ways. Each human-being realizing the emptiness, or falsehood of own self is a sign of great joy to her. This seems her sole intention/goal from human lives. Rest aspects of plant and animal life, simply constituting material for humans to lead their lives.
Authored by: Abraham J. Palakudy
He is an ardent seeker/researcher into phenomena of Mind, Sense of self, Metaphysics, democracy etc.
He tweets by the name: Voice of Philosophy@jopan1
His other blogs are at: https://www.blogger.com/profile/14249415589712707293
I would like to share below the real life-experience of one of my close friends, who happened to undergo life/ existence bare, with all its ferocity or complexity.
He got in love with a girl in 1976, an ordinary good looking girl. He had already in his hands other marriage offers,one of them from a well settled working girl in Switzerland. He rejected all of them and opted for this good looking, very ordinary girl.
They got married in mid 1977. Everything went well till 2002, when she developed uncontrollable blood pressure. Doctors immediately found that she had inherited a deadly kidney disease from her already expired father, PKD, a disease of the kidney that usually manifest when he/she reaches his/her 5th decade of life. Both kidneys fail and the patient needs constant dialysis or a Kidney transplant. He found that there are millions of similar patients in the world.
He had to start dialysis by 2003, three times a week. Usually, dialysis patients gets the deadly Hepatitis C infection from the dialysis machines, and she too got it by 2005. It is considered an incurable liver disease, though there is a standard treatment method in place, with antibiotics course for 3-4 years, though a complete cure is thought impossible.
Naturally, his hope to continue a peaceful life already end. Future was bleak and totally uncertain. By this time, he detected that both his sons had inherited this deadly disease from their mother. He was facing life in its bare form. He started seeking the truth of life. Why such experiences happened to him? He thought and thought every moment of life, seeking an answer to the phenomenon of life. Was it due to his past sins? His sinful past births? His ancestors's sins? Life appeared to him like a burning piece of charcoal in his hands. Naturally, he felt like throwing it away to escape the pain. He reasoned that he carries life only because others around him carry it as routine. But what if when it is all pain and uncertainty? He started detaching life from him and viewing the goings as if he is a third party, simply witnessing the goings.
He seriously sought to know the forces behind life. A merciful God will never choose such horrible things to one of his own creations. If scientific views of struggle for survival was the truth, how can he be an equal one to struggle to survive with all his troubles in hand? He sought and sought the truth about life every moment of his wake state. Why he happened to be in life this way?
While such horrible health troubles were happening to his wife, there were other misfortunes taking place at his work-place too; his employer, a very reputed finance company, got him also involved in a financial malpractice committed by one of his junior colleagues. He not only lost his job but police and the Court made him also a part of their criminal procedures and investigations.
By now his wife had developed a nasty liver infection and puss started oozing through a tube fitted to the liver.
He had to but know the reason for his troubles from Existence. What wrong had happened to his life? He sought and sought, weeks after weeks and months after months, every moment.
In a miracle kind of recovery, his wife got free from her Hepatitis C infection after 3 months of the antibiotics course, to the utter surprise and non-belief of attending doctors. Now her attending Kidney specialists said, if the oozing of puss from her liver reduced from the present 100 ml a day to at least 20 ml a day, transplant surgery could be undertaken.
A month before her scheduled surgery date, in his rented accommodation near the hospital, he found himself awaken in the bed in an early morning 3 am. He felt, he was being loved intensely. It was a physical experience. He was feeling it at his body-level. He realized, existence is trying to communicate with him, though he first thought it might be part of some dream. But when the experience lasted beyond 10,15 and then 20 minutes, he realized, it is NOT a dream.
There were few messages ingrained somewhere in him; As we know, he was not his actual, worldly self, as it was already thrown out by him long ago when it was like a burning and badly hurting piece of charcoal for him. So, the communication from existence was perhaps easy and direct.
1) His wife will be totally recovered after the transplant surgery.
2). Existence shares the pain and anguish of the real seekers, hence the recovery from his troubles.
3) The general 'predilection' of existence is simply LOVE; everything that seek to know gets back the care and love from existence.
4) There is 'sense' in life and existence.
He made his ailing wife too to wake up and he explained the very strange experience that had prolonged for 25 minutes.
In the morning too, when he woke up, the leaves in the trees moving in the breeze appeared very different to him, as they exist and move out of the LOVE of existence. It was a revelation as to why life and existence was.It was a life changing experience for him. Was it a communication from existence? Till date he is not sure. But it was so real. What else such an experience could be? But as there was no better explanations, he still believes that it really was a communication from existence.
His wife recovered fully after the surgery and still leading a healthy life. His court case ended wherein he was declared not a part of the crime.
For my philosophic eyes, ears and intelligence too, it was a revelation as to the nature of existence. She can't be mute and dump physical matter. It is true that she is blind to the routine events in the world and in the lives of people, as if her logic is very particular towards such affairs, as explained in my following blog-post:
Let us try to summarize what kind of a phenomenon existence might be:
1. She certainly is NOT dump and mute physical matter as science believes, but a LIVE phenomenon.
2. She lets life forms be as they are, the way schemed by her, trees, microbes or larger animals. Remember, how many millions of years she let animals to lead their lives as they were. Even humans were animal like, for billions of years.
3. She admires intellectual improvements of life forms especially when they improve in their understanding her LIVE status. She doesn't mind passage of even millions of years in this process; we do not know how long these millions of years are for her as she is the schemer of such categories.
4. She may not be a phenomenon the way religions made out of her; worship-lover, virtue seeker etc, but she is keen to help when someone seeks her out.
5.She enjoys when life forms owns up their lives, fully owning their sense of selves.But she certainly hope that one day, at least few of the most advanced beings will realize the folly of their synthetic 'sense' of self.
6. She shares with her creations, the most fundamental emotion that she keeps, that is, 'TO BE', by making others perceive them, and thus, in this process, establishing their tangibility or reality.
(Please get to know of this very fundamental existential DRIVE, at link:
7. As humans have their peculiar tendency to conceptualize things, events and objects in their own human-way, existence may not fall as one among them. Our intelligence might be complete when we realize this fact, that existence might be something much beyond and above their usual concepts. There could be much beyond what they can conceptualize about existence. It can not be an OBJECTIVE REALITY among their other routine objective realities as this one is their very abode of life. Humans can not set apart the phenomenon of existence as a third party object/reality, as a mere subject of their scholastic study. It is their very meaning, their substance.
8. Every human life is so precious, potent and close to her, that any person might develop his/her intelligence one day and could understand existence and the synthetic nature of own 'self'. Existence won't mind these 'selves' leading their lives in the 'given' way as she seems left it into a 'cause-effect' realm.
9. An ideal society may not be in the scheme of things of existence, as her target is enlightened INDIVIDUALS. We know, an ideal society/state/ WORLD notion will certainly help individuals to achieve this goal faster. In this matter, we, humankind is totally wrong in our approach as we think it is our ultimate goal, and try to create ideal societies. Following write-ups might revels this angle in more clear terms: http://selfandworldblogs.blogspot.com/2015/03/is-world-absolute-object-or-relative.html
In short, whatever we do to create a new world might be irrelevant for existence, though she won't mind/interfere into our such acts.
10. She lets us do whatever we do with our lives, and feel a sense of 'FREE WILL' about it. But she is always there when someone shows signs of realizing the emptiness of own SELF. Perhaps that is the first sign of INTELLIGENCE/enlightenment, according to her.
11. She might create special circumstances for such potential persons who shows signs of developing intelligence.She doesn't hesitate to be with him/her each moment, sharing each moment of their lives, and their each life-event and thought.
12. In short, existence is a very peculiar phenomenon beyond the images of science and religions, a very LIVE one, very eager to have humans to develop intelligence in the above hinted ways. Each human-being realizing the emptiness, or falsehood of own self is a sign of great joy to her. This seems her sole intention/goal from human lives. Rest aspects of plant and animal life, simply constituting material for humans to lead their lives.
Authored by: Abraham J. Palakudy
He is an ardent seeker/researcher into phenomena of Mind, Sense of self, Metaphysics, democracy etc.
He tweets by the name: Voice of Philosophy@jopan1
His other blogs are at: https://www.blogger.com/profile/14249415589712707293
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